Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happily Pissed

A title inspired by Miss. Mandy in reference to children. I had made a status on the facebook about Viktor being the greatest and more stressful thing in my life. Or maybe this was the day that he woke up at around 6am and refused to go back to sleep [but was just so darn happy to see me]... Thus said phrase came about. It's like he knows what to do to make me lose my mind. He also seems to know exactly what to do to make my heart melt when he already got me good and upset. I hate when he wakes up so much earlier than he normally does! And I can't be mad at him for it because he'll babble in his bed for awhile before he gets tired of those toys and wants rescued. And when I walk in that room he just BEAMS! No better word to describe what comes over my little man when he sees me.

Which leads me to my next point of ramblings: I have successfully created a Momma's boy. Very, very, successfully actually. Sometimes I have to stand across the room if someone else is holding him so he doesn't try to jump ship from their arms and come into mine. And this kid is roughly 22-24 lbs. He isn't that easy to carry around. He's also not a walker yet so in certain instances he does need to be carried/held. And lately he seems to prefer being in my arms than sitting/standing on the floor next to me. Which is rather frustrating when I need both my hands to make his lunch and all he wants is to be held. We're going through a very clingy phase right now. Which could be caused by a myriad of things... my most recent theory is teething. But I think he may feel a little under the weather too. Who knows? It's the downside of a child that can't talk yet. They can't tell you what's wrong or doesn't feel good so you're just left to guess. Each new phase of this kid causes me to feel like I did when I was first home alone with him. Adam back at work and family had gone home and here I was stuck to figure out what every little cry meant. It's like that now but worst. I feel like at one there are a lot more things that could be upsetting him than there were at a week or month old. He hates it when I prevent him from getting to something he wants. It brings out the terrible toddler in him. And here I thought I had about another six months to a year before dealing with full on tantrums. Nope! It's happening now. And the more he screams for the sake of screaming. The more he throws a tantrum and tries to bite to get to what he wants that I'm blocking him from, the less I want a second child. Trust and believe if this child had Adam's temperament I'd be ready for another baby in my belly by the time Vik hits 2[ish]. But as it stands he's just like his mother. Which is kinda funny and a headache/hassle in and of itself. I didn't know a one year old could have so much fight and so much ferocity!!

Now I wrap this up so I can enjoy the rest of my mental break from the screams while my child naps.

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